Here are a few photos of flowers we encountered on some of our walks in the Alto Genal, Andalucia, Southern Spain, which were taken by Helen Boyton, early May. She kindly gave us the permision to post them here. The Serrania de Ronda is indeed spectacular in Spring with its incredible variety of wild flowers. This year, early May was exceptionnally great for wild flowers. Contrary to what most people would expect from Andalucia, the Genal valley is very lush in Spring with its forest of Sweet Chestnut trees doning their new fresh green leaves and its wild flowers growing in meadows in more exposed areas or adding some accents of colours under the dapple shade of Oak and Sweet Chestnut woodlands. If you love wild flowers, April and May are the time to visit this non touristic area of Andalucia.

Grey-Leaved Sunrose
White-Leaved Bugloss

Viper's Grass

White Cistus
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